Trust the Process

Trust the Process

“Don’t count the days; make the days count.”—Muhammad Ali

Life for all of us has been skewed towards less certainty. As a person who thrives off of a healthy balance of deadlines and spontaneity, I’ve had to adapt by slowing down and embracing the present. We can’t control the circumstances, but we can control our responses. Let’s choose to surrender, accept, and trust. 

This week in yoga, we’re focusing on transitions. Holding space allows us to breathe where we’re at rather than rushing into the next posture—a lesson we can take off our mats too.

Yoga will be on Sunday, April 26th from 9:30-10:30 AM. Please arrive a few minutes early so we can start right on time. The class is free—my intention is to connect and practice with all of you during this time!

  • Bring: a mat+2 optional yoga blocks/hardcover textbooks

  • Zoom link:

    • password: anjali

    • meeting ID: 516 488 3023

  • Playlist:


This week’s intention: Find trust in the process and faith in the unknown.

Love always (smaller font).png

Acceptance (plus virtual yoga details)

Acceptance (plus virtual yoga details)

Color Outside the Lines

Color Outside the Lines