Donation-Based Yoga

Donation-Based Yoga

Just a friendly reminder that your presence matters, your actions matter, and you matter.

I’ll be donating $1 to The Conscious Kid on behalf of every person who takes yoga with me on Sunday, so spread the word! Feel free to share the graphic below and tag me @anjaliadventures.

Please arrive to class early so we can start and end on time. As always, class is free! If you’re capable of doing so, please consider donating to a nonprofit of your choice. Here’s the yoga details:

  • When: Sunday, June 14th from 9:30-10:30 AM PST

  • Bring: a mat and two optional yoga blocks/hardcover textbooks

  • Zoom link:

    • password: anjali

    • meeting ID: 516 488 3023

join me for a donation-based yoga class on 7_14-2.png

This week’s intention: A little love goes a long way.

Love always (smaller font).png

Trust Your Gut

Trust Your Gut

Cal Me Graduated!

Cal Me Graduated!