Donation-Based Yoga (Round 2)

Donation-Based Yoga (Round 2)

Exciting news—I started working as an ambassador for Passion Planner! This month, our team encouraged us to focus on the idea of grace. With this inspiration, I began to form my own definition of grace as being thoughtful and kind to ourselves and others.

As the wildfires continue to spread throughout California, let’s take a moment (or even better—60 minutes) to extend grace to those who have been affected. I’ll be teaching yoga this Thursday with the intent of raising donations for the SAVE program, which provides fire victims with gift cards to purchase basic necessities. Feel free to also read this fire safety guide that I have hyperlinked here.

Practice grace this week by showing up on your mat this Thursday! If you’re able to, please consider donating what you can to this program or another charity of your choice. Feel free to Venmo your donation to @anjali18 and I’ll send in your donation along with mine!

Here’s the yoga details:

  • When: Thursday, September 10th from 5:30-6:30 PM PST

  • Bring: a mat and two optional yoga blocks/hardcover textbooks

  • Zoom link:

    • password: yogatime

    • meeting ID: 263 388 0014

  • Playlist:


This week’s intention: Extend grace to yourself and others.

Love always (smaller font).png

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