Romanticizing Your Life

Romanticizing Your Life

I’ve been reflecting a lot on this quote during quarantine. I’m convinced that it’s a sign or a very on-brand targeted image that keeps popping up:


I’m just about a month into my first 8-5 job and I’ve noticed that weekend trips are by far the highlight of my weeks. It’s always great to look forward to these, but I’m shifting my focus back to the present. By romanticizing my life, I’m choosing to make my weekdays just as good as the weekends.

Let’s kick off this weekday romanticization with some yoga! I’ll be away for a few weekends, so I’m hoping to teach more evening classes after work for the time being. Here are the details:

Please arrive early so we can start on time. As always, class is free!


This week’s intention: Romanticize the little things in your day-to-day life.

Love always (smaller font).png
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