Seasons?! Falling for You, Autumn

Seasons?! Falling for You, Autumn

Fall reminds us to ground down, let go, and lean into the offerings of this season. December can bring what seems like a million things to do between various holidays and celebrations, finals week for all of us who are students, plans with family and friends who are back home, and more. At the same time though, fall reminds us to take time to rest, reset, and connect with loved ones.

I recently finished four finals and I can’t believe that I’m already halfway through my first year of medical school. Going into school, I heard so many things from “forget about getting 8 hours of sleep a night” to “you know you should probably just start drinking coffee now.” I can happily say that neither has been true (so far haha). What those statements have taught me is that each one of us has our own process and individual way of doing things. In my first few months of medical school, I found myself naturally comparing my routine and workflow to those of my classmates. There were times where I felt guilty for taking an hour or two to exercise while others were studying, or for cutting off work by 10 PM. However, with time and support from my loved ones, I’ve been reminded that what’s worked for me in the past has gotten me this far.

We’re all on our own unique paths and that doesn’t make one path more “right” than the other. I’m a strong believer that when we operate from a place of joy and happiness, we work more efficiently and productively, so I consciously commit at least a few hours a day to self-care and physical fitness. This balance may look completely different on your unique path, and there’s so much beauty in that! Whatever works, works. Rather than a (very natural) mindset of comparison, I’ve found that choosing to adopt a mindset focused on individual growth and confidence has served me much more. I’m so happy that I’ve been able to develop a personalized routine that still involves many activities that reset my energy—morning meditations and affirmations, daily exercise, and evening journaling to the sounds of my favorite records.

December is a lovely time to reflect on all that we have learned during this year and find gratitude for all who continue to support us along the way. It’s always a work in progress to let go of comparison with others, past experiences and relationships, expectations of how the future should be, and so on. In the end though, the act of release allows us to live more fully in the present moment and create space for something even more beautiful to bloom. I’m so grateful for all of you and would love to hear about what this season has brought for you so far!

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