My Write-Hand Journals

My Write-Hand Journals

You’re my right hand, you’re my go to!

Okay, I promise this post isn’t about Drake or the right-hand rule—it’s all about journals! Journaling can seem a little intimidating because it sounds like a lot of work, but it’s actually not a huge time commitment. It’s a very subjective practice that you can easily add to your routine. Journaling allows me to disconnect from technology and connect to my thoughts and feelings. As a result, I work more efficiently, passionately, and feel revitalized. So, here are my favorite journals!

Gratitude and Mindfulness


I’ve kept a gratitude journal for three years now, and it has been the easiest one to incorporate into my daily routine. Every night before bed, I write down three things that I’m grateful for. I replay my day, focus on the highlights, and put a positive spin on things that may not have been super great. Keeping a gratitude journal is a low time commitment and has a huge payoff. (It’s a win-win for you and your happiness!)

I received my “Practice You” journal as a gift (thanks, Sharon!), and it’s my favorite for practicing mindfulness. This journal is filled with watercolor paintings, and tons of free space to reflect on open-ended prompts and questions. Each chapter is associated with a different color and state of being; for example, the pages in the chapter “I am” have hues of red and pink. This vibrant combination makes it fun to flip through the book and choose a page to write in.

Travel and Planning


My friend, Christine, drew the mountains and quotes on the Travelogue journal she gifted to me, which makes it that much more special. This journal has scratch off maps so you can get a good visual of where you’ve traveled and where else you have left to explore. It also has pages where you can journal about your travels! I have a horrible memory, so this lets me keep track of where I’ve been, what I did, and how I felt.

The journal on the right is my Passion Planner, and I honestly feel like a walking ad for their company because I encourage everyone around me to purchase one. I’ve had multiple planners in the last 16 years of school, but this is by far my favorite. It has weekly quotes, free journaling space, and a space to write about “good things that happened.” I use it frequently before teaching yoga to write down thoughts, feelings, and quotes that can shape a good intention for class. This planner not only lets me prioritize my work, but also lets me prioritize activities that make me happy with its personal to-do list. I get to put a checkbox next to yoga, spin, and going outdoors—no wonder why I love it so much!



My last journal in this roundup is on happiness. This journal was also a gift (thanks, Lauren!) and I feel extremely grateful to have friends who have given me the materials and inspiration to start a journaling practice. This one’s designed to be written in once a week so that you can reflect on your 52 weeks of journaling at the end of the year. Through simple activities such as listing ways money can’t buy happiness or the activities I am looking forward to in my upcoming week, I feel like I have expanded my perspective and enhanced my creativity. This journal is meant to inspire “positivity, balance, and joy,” and it certainly does that!

Are there any of your favorite journals that I left out? Let me know below in the comments!

Happy journaling :)

Love always (smaller font).png
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Down and Earthy

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