DIY Gratitude Journal

DIY Gratitude Journal

There’s nothing I love more than a nighttime ritual filled with allll the journals (you can read about my favorites in My Write-Hand Journals), and the one I’ve been using the longest is my gratitude journal! It’s such a prevalent part of my routine that my dad even asked if I could get him one for Father’s Day. Rather than buying him one, I decided to make one! And I couldn’t leave my mom out—so I made one for her as well. Here’s what I included in each journal:

All Night, I Been [Grateful] All Night…


I’ve found through teaching The Happiness Advantage at U.C. Berkeley and through my own journaling practice that three entires seems to be the magic number! Every night before bed, I express gratitude for three things that happened in my day. It’s the perfect way to reflect and end every night on a high note, despite any challenges that may have occurred.

*Tip: Leave space for a certain amount of entires per month and you’ll be good to go! For example, extend your layout for 31 entries in July, then write “August 2019,” and so on.

Get Artsy with It


Adding your own flair is what makes this DIY so unique! I glued photos and wrote quotes on different pages to keep it fun and exciting. So for my artsy friends, go crazy go stupid (you know I’ve been home for too long when I start referencing memes)!!

Spread That Gratitude


You get a journal! And you get a journal! Everybody gets a journal!

By creating a journal for yourself or for someone else, you can invite more gratitude into your routine and inspire others to do the same. I know it can be difficult to set time aside in our busy days, but give yourself five minutes before bed to do it—you won’t regret it!

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about starting your own gratitude journal or feedback if you’re already doing it!

Love always (smaller font).png



Namasteeee on my mat

Namasteeee on my mat