I'm Feeling 22!

I'm Feeling 22!

I’m turning twenty-two this Sunday and it’s been a great chance to reflect on everything that’s happened in the past year! I’m celebrating in Yosemite this weekend, so before I disconnect, I wanted to share some of the intentions I’ve been focusing on:

1) Start your week off by setting an intention, putting it into writing, and then manifesting it.

2) Bloom, baby, bloom! It’s the most beautiful thing to let go of the people and things that no longer serve you, and create space for more growth and opportunity.


3) Growth isn’t linear or comparable. It’s messy, unique, and specific to your path. Your best life looks much different than someone else’s, so go out and own that!

4) Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. It makes life way more exciting and encourages a growth mindset.

5) Energy follows thought. Your thoughts become your words, which become your actions, which become your habits, which create the energy you radiate to those around you. So spread the good!


6) End the night with gratitude journaling/reflecting. It’s a great way to transform “negative” experiences into positive ones, and focus on the good.

7) You are exactly where you need to be.

8) I am growing. I am shining. I am at peace. I came up with this mantra for a yoga class earlier this year and it’s one that I continue to repeat as a reminder to transform, radiate, and center myself.


9) Vulnerability is a strength rather than a weakness. Feeling your emotions fully cultivates more awareness and presence, giving you the tools to grow through what you go through.

10) Let your personal to-do list be longer than your work to-do list. You’ll work more efficiently and feel happier—it’s a win-win!


11) Speak your truth and live your truth. Approach all beings and situations from a place of love and authenticity. We can’t control what happens around us, but we can control how we show up for it.

Life is hectic! I know. But I really encourage you to take the time to reflect on how much you’ve grown since November of last year. It’s gratifying to look back on your past experiences and use them as inspiration for a collection of ongoing intentions.


Let me know a thing or two (or twenty-two things) that you’ve been working on! I’d love to learn from you and incorporate your intentions.

Here’s to another year of growth, radiating, and all the things!

Love always (smaller font).png

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