Fall back into your health (plus a promo code!)

Fall back into your health (plus a promo code!)

Happy autumn! Squash and pomegranate seeds are upon us, woohoo!!

Summer’s always filled with adventure, but sometimes it can throw us off. The spontaneous trips to the beach, the outdoor concerts...we tend to focus more on fun rather than a healthy routine. On the flip side, many of us also use the summer to take extra classes and work more hours, which can dampen our well-being by adding more stress into our days.

But with the temperatures dropping and the shifting of seasonal produce at Berkeley Bowl (brb crying over the end of stone fruit season), nature is giving us cues to ground back down, nourish ourselves, and reset. 


I feel like nourishing my body is always the first step in succeeding in any other realms of my life. Food is literally fuel for our minds, so we have to fill up on all the good things!

One way to do that is with Sakara’s RE:PROGRAM campaign. It’s designed to restore your body and reset your mind. As always, you can use my code XOANJALI for 20% off your first order!


How are you resetting this fall? More healthy food, journaling, mindfulness?

Let me know in the comments below!

Love always (smaller font).png
I'm Feeling 22!

I'm Feeling 22!

Alexa, Play Sedona by Houndmouth

Alexa, Play Sedona by Houndmouth