

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out why, but everything happens for a reason. Every perceived obstacle in our path to growth and success is actually getting us closer to where we need to be. By letting go of the people and negative thoughts that are holding us back from our full potential (thank u, next), we can create more space to bloom.

So the thing about blooming is that we can’t do it on our own. We absolutely need other people for support, and always will. Like the flowers in the “superbloom,” we are so much more powerful and radiant when we connect to those around us. When we bloom and blossom together, we can inspire others to radiate with the same vibes of transformation and opportunity—it’s a magical thing, my friends.


Whether you’re in a process of breaking or blooming, allow yourself to go in with your whole heart. Give yourself the time and space to feel—go to your favorite trail, flow it out on your mat, cry to your best friend.


Because when we fearlessly approach life with our whole heart, we create even more space to grow. We begin to realize that these “obstacles” in our way of success are actually opportunities to flourish. So if the breaking feels tough right now, your healing and blooming will be even that much better.

Love always (smaller font).png

Kale Yeah!

Kale Yeah!

Visualize it // Manifest it

Visualize it // Manifest it