From My WHOLE Heart

From My WHOLE Heart

Hi, friends!

I posted a poll on social media about sharing my weekly intentions with all of you and got an overwhelming “yes!” Every week, I set an intention to focus on and it always helps me prioritize myself as much as my work. I’m planning on posting them every now and then on a Monday in hopes of kickstarting your work week with some mindfulness! This week, I’m focusing on the idea of wholeness vs. perfection.

Wholeness is the act of being fully content and present in your experiences, while perfectionism involves fear of failure rather than accepting failure as a way to learn and grow. Wholeness in no way means lowering your goals (be the goal digger you were made to be!); it just means being okay with the process of getting to that goal.

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And as we all know, the process of reaching a goal is rarely flawless. Trust me, I didn’t pass my driving test until the third time (thanks to the patience and help of my grandpa haha—hi dada!), but now I’m parallel parking all over Berkeley and have been deemed “the good driver” among my friends. There’s bumps along the road, but wholeness teaches us that’s okay!!

So for this week and even beyond that, focus on being okay with exactly where you’re at. You are already whole, present, and complete!

From my whole heart…

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