Dance in the Rain (plus more virtual yoga!)

Dance in the Rain (plus more virtual yoga!)

We live in a society where we tend to rush through life so that we can meet deadlines and do it all. Rather than waiting anxiously for this storm (aka coronavirus/quarantine) to pass, we can instead dance in the rain and look for the good that will come from this.

Recognize the emotions you’re feeling, accept them without judgment, and let go. If you’re feeling a little more anxious and overwhelmed than usual, that’s okay. If you’re feeling happy, that’s just as valid! Don’t guilt yourself into feeling otherwise—the world needs more of your light. Just like our current physical distancing situation, emotions are impermanent and don’t define the deepest parts of our being.


Let’s flow through all the feels that may be coming up for you. I’ll be teaching another 60-minute vinyasa class this Sunday the 12th at 9:30 AM! If Zoom asks for a password, it’s “anjali” (creative, I know). All you need is a mat, towel, and water!

Here’s the Zoom link:

Here’s the playlist:

This week’s intention: This storm will pass, but until it does, I’m choosing to dance in the rain.

Love always (smaller font).png

Color Outside the Lines

Color Outside the Lines

Zoom Ya Later!

Zoom Ya Later!