Zoom Ya Later!

Zoom Ya Later!

Happy hump day, happy quarantine, happy all the things.

Raise a (virtual) hand if your calendar’s filled with crossed out events. I’m right there with you! We’re living through some crazy, unprecedented times. As someone who craves a healthy balance of routine and spontaneity, it feels weird to have this extra time and space. I’m a big believer that even though we can’t change our circumstances, we can adjust our mindsets accordingly.

Instead of “social distancing,” we can treat this as “physical distancing” with the unchanging opportunity for social connection. Shoutout to all you wonderful humans who texted and slid into my DMs with requests for a virtual yoga class. You’ve taught me just how powerful and resilient our community and personal connection are. With that said, I would be so happy to teach a free class for you all! Here’s a little preview:

Bring your mat, towel, water, and an optional 5-10 lb weight. I’ll see you this Sunday the 29th at 9:30 AM: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5164883023

This week’s intention: I will find peace, even here, in the uncertainty and in the unknown.

Love always (smaller font).png
Dance in the Rain (plus more virtual yoga!)

Dance in the Rain (plus more virtual yoga!)

Calm in the Chaos

Calm in the Chaos