Elevate Your Energy

Elevate Your Energy

“Always say ‘my peace is more important’ when you find yourself reacting to something that doesn’t deserve your energy. Prioritize your inner wellness and cultivate an active mindset of peace by consciously deciding that you’ll elevate higher than any situation that arises.”

We’ll flow this intention out in yoga this weekend (yay)!

  • When: Sunday, October 4th from 11:00 AM-12:00 PM PST

  • Bring: a mat and two optional yoga blocks/hardcover textbooks

  • Zoom link: tinyurl.com/yxwh3x6m

    • password: yogatime

    • meeting ID: 263 388 0014

  • Playlist: tinyurl.com/y3825q4o

Thanks for all the love you’ve been sending my way about enjoying my playlists at work, checking out my YouTube channel, and feeling inspired to practice yoga. Let me know if there’s any poses you’d like to try in class or if you have any song/intention recommendations. I love hearing from you, and can’t wait to see you on your mat!


This week’s intention: Energy flows where intention goes.

Love always (smaller font).png

Zion Rocks!

Zion Rocks!

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Slow It Down