Hindsight Is 2020

Hindsight Is 2020

“What a year” is an understatement. I’ve been making jokes for the past few months about how I’ll have no idea where to even start this end of the year recap, and I’m feeling it right now. This year has caused such a wild range of emotions, starting with my dog passing away in February and navigating through grief for the first time, to heading home for a spring break that never ended, and graduating online. I’d love to say that in classic Anjali fashion, I meditated and yoga’d my way through everything, but there have been lots of moments where life feels overwhelming and stressful. And that’s okay. That’s just being human.

As much as we joke about how horrible this year has been, I do think that we’ve all grown in unexpected ways. If I could sum up what I’ve learned, it would be to go with the flow, which is often much easier said than done, in my opinion. Although I love adventures and spontaneous trips, I still love to write everything down in my Passion Planner and to get a visual of my schedule. Needless to say, I had to release that tendency to be in control—on so many occasions this year—in order to truly surrender to whatever life threw at me. There’s a sort of liberation and freedom that comes from letting go and releasing our attachment to thoughts of how things should have been and should be. Again, much easier said than done, but I’m hoping to take this lesson into next year.


On January 1, 2020, I chose two manifestations to focus on this year: the idea that growth looks different for everyone and that progress is more important than perfection. In my planner, I journaled descriptions of each goal and actions I wanted to take to achieve them. Manifesting our goals doesn’t just involve our thoughts and emotions—it also involves our actions, so it was helpful to focus on both. Here’s a visual of how I journaled my 2020 manifestations:


I hope this thought+action manifestation plan helps you achieve your 2021 goals! Send me a picture or tag me @anjaliadventures with your 2021 manifestations—I’d love to hear about them. If you’re still figuring out what you’re going to focus on, that’s totally fine! I by no means have my 2021 manifestations laid out yet. I have some ideas bouncing around in my head, but one step at a time, right? Thank you so much for your support this year, especially as I started teaching yoga virtually for the first time and launched Yoga with Anjali! It was such a highlight getting to flow with you on weekend mornings, and I can’t wait to do it again in the new year. I also graduated from Cal and got into medical school this year—woooo! Reflecting on the good things that happened this year has helped me view 2020 as more of a year of messy growth than one of overwhelming challenge, so hopefully that resonates with you as well. I’m sending lots of love and good vibes your way. Here’s to new beginnings!

Love always (smaller font).png
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