We Love a Goal Digger

We Love a Goal Digger

Happy second week of 2021! I spent last week focusing on my manifestations for this year and I believe that choosing a goal or two is more of a marathon than a sprint (from your favorite ex-runner turned yogi). I turned to my planner’s Passion Roadmap exercise as inspiration for setting my goals. I set a timer for five minutes and wrote down everything I wanted to do or achieve in the next few months or years. I then went back to this list and chose one goal to focus on, and wrote down actions to help me achieve that goal. The purpose of this activity for me was in no way to attach to a timeline of how my life needs to play out. Rather, it was an insightful self-awareness exercise that helped me commit to one intention by listing out the steps to get there. My 2021 manifestation is to cultivate more confidence in the decisions that I make, and to prioritize my own happiness and well-being throughout that decision-making process. Some of the action items I journaled include creating a board of inspirational quotes related to this intention and finding 1-3 affirmations to repeat to myself.


Feel free to share your 2021 manifestations with me or ask any questions you have about creating yours! I hope to hear about them soon in yoga or outside of class as well. For all of my planning people out there, I’m hoping to teach my next community yoga class on Saturday, January 30. I’m still working full-time on Sundays, but I hope that we can transition back to Sunday morning yoga in the future! I’m also excited to announce that I’ll be teaching private yoga classes for Bloomberg, starting in the next few weeks. If you or your workplace would like to book a yoga session with me, feel free to reach out to me directly or fill out my Yoga with Anjali registration form. I hope to hear from you soon!


This week’s intention: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Love always (smaller font).png
Turn Thoughts into Actions

Turn Thoughts into Actions

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