'23 and Me

'23 and Me

Happy New Year! Last year, I made a vision board for the first time and I’ve been so excited during these last few weeks of the year to make another one for 2023. You can read more about vision boards and last year’s inspiration here. To kick off the new year, I first began by reflecting on 2022. I used Passion Planner’s “End of the Year Reflection,” which you can also find online for free here. If you don’t have their planner, I’d recommend downloading the PDF and printing it out or getting one, of course (use my code ANJALIA723 for 10% off). After journaling about the biggest lessons I learned over the past year and the growth I’d like to make this year, I began a Pinterest board dedicated to visualizing these thoughts and affirmations. I then used Canva to make a photo collage and voila, our 2023 vision board!

Now, onto a deeper reflection of this last year and what I’m hoping to manifest more of in this new year. :) During this past year, I finished my first year of medical school, traveled to India to complete another 200 hours of yoga training, explored Switzerland and all of its beauty, and began my second year of medical school. When I look back to 2021 in comparison, I didn’t know where I would be going to school, whether I would enjoy it, and everything in between. So much can change in just one year. Over this past year, 2022 taught me a few overarching lessons:

1) Take the risk.

2) Trust your process.

3) You are exactly where you need to be (a fan favorite if you’ve been on here for awhile hehe).

4) Amazing things can happen when we least expect them to.

I’m looking forward to 2023 as another opportunity for growth. Although we can’t predict exactly what’s going to happen, I do know that the first half of 2023 will involve lots of studying for boards exams. I created my 2023 manifestations and vision board with this in mind, ensuring that I will be making time for myself and my well-being. For 2023, I’m foucsing on the intention, “when you focus on the good, the good gets better.” Balancing my academic pursuits with healthy habits and things that bring me joy allow me to connect with the good around me. You may be working in a new job, starting a new academic block, trying a new workout routine, etc.; wherever you’re at, have some joy along the way! We’ll see exactly what 2023 brings next time this year, but I have a feeling it will bring lots of good growth in the long run, as do most things in life. :)

If you’re in school as well, I’m sure you already have an academic timeline of what’s to come; sometimes things don’t go as planned though, and that’s okay. This year, I’m striving for a perspective that balances looking at one step at a time as much as the whole staircase. I think it’s great to have a plan and goal in mind so that we know what we’re striving for, but it’s just as important to focus on one small, manageable task at a time. I’ve found that taking a step back can make me feel more present and reminds me of my purpose for signing up for that particular journey.

That’s it for our first post of the year! I hope you enjoy the Passion Planner reflection as much as I did and take some time to journal out some intentions or make a vision board while you’re at it. I always love hearing from you, so feel free to share your reflections, manifestations, and anything else. I hope you have an amazing 2023 filled with love, light, and a whole lot of growth!

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