I Choose to Shine

I Choose to Shine

One of my all-time favorite books is Cleo Wade’s Heart Talk. I love to flip through my copy and read whichever poem the page lands on. I came across this poem the other day called “I choose to shine” and I already loved it just from its title. We often can’t control our circumstances, but we can control how we respond to them. We can choose to shine:


When I read this poem, I thought about it right away as an intention for yoga, and I’m looking forward to flowing it out together! Thank you for filling out the polls that I posted on my social media story over at @anjaliadventures. I use the polls to gauge interest and availability, to plan out my yoga sequences and playlists with your recommendations in mind, and to give you a heads up about when I’m planning to teach. Make sure to follow along on social if you’re not there already—I love hearing from you and connecting over yoga! I’ll be teaching our upcoming yoga class this Sunday, which is also Daylight Saving Time. Here are the details for this weekend’s yoga class:

  • When: Sunday, March 14 from 10:15-11:15 AM (PST)

  • Recurring Zoom Link: tinyurl.com/yxwh3x6m

    • password: yogatime

    • meeting ID: 263 388 0014

  • Playlist: tinyurl.com/2b9etujj

  • I’d recommend yoga blocks or hardcover textbooks for this class If you have them. We’ll use them for Revolved Triangle Pose and Pyramid Pose. Feel free to check out those poses to see if you want props, but no worries if you don’t!

  • Optional Venmo: @anjali18

I’m so excited to see you on Zoom! The rainy weather that we’ve been having down here in Southern California has been perfect for “hot yoga” aka flowing with two space heaters next to my mat. I’m looking forward to more cozy yoga vibes this weekend in class!


This week’s intention: I choose to shine.

Love always (smaller font).png

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