Donation-Based Yoga (Round 3)

Donation-Based Yoga (Round 3)

Life update—my family got a mini goldendoodle puppy exactly one month ago! His name is Oatly and I can’t wait to take him on all the adventures, once he’s received his vaccines. He loves to take in the little things, like watching birds flying around outside or playing fetch all day long. It’s been so fun to see the world through his novel puppy eyes and notice things that I normally wouldn’t.


I’ve also been looking forward to teaching yoga for all of you! In light of recent events, and to honor Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, I wanted to make our upcoming yoga class a donation-based one. I’ll be donating to the nonprofit Stop AAPI Hate, which was foundeed last March in response to increasing levels of prejudice towards the AAPI community. Stop AAPI Hate “tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.” Their goal is to support government agencies, community-based organizations, and schools through solutions and policy recommendations. If you’re willing and able to donate, you can Venmo me and I will match all donations on your behalf. Feel free to share the graphic below with your community and tag me @anjaliadventures so that I can repost!


Here are the class details:

  • When: Saturday, May 8 from 10:15-11:15 AM (PST)

  • Recurring Zoom Link:

    • password: yogatime

    • meeting ID: 263 388 0014

  • Playlist:

  • Optional yoga blocks or hardcover textbooks (for stretches like half splits)

  • Optional Venmo: @anjali18

I can’t wait to see you on Zoom! As always, feel free to reply to this blog post or e-mail (if you’re subscribed to my blog) with any song recs, poses you’ve been wanting to try, or just any requests in general for yoga. I love to make our classes as collaborative as possible and to implement anything that you’ve been hoping to experience in your practice. I hope to see you on Saturday (maybe Oatly will even show off his down dog for us)!

This week’s intention: I choose to rest and reset, and uplift myself and others with that energy.

Love always (smaller font).png

Peanut Butter Vibes

Peanut Butter Vibes

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Down and Earthy (Round 2)